What To Pack In Your Hospital Bag

Birth is an unpredictable, wild ride, anything can happen. What you can control? What's in your bag. I recently asked on Instagram stories for items that you all thought were must haves for the hospital bag, since some of these items were not on my list already, I decided to create a printable checklist! Hospital bag packing is as much about mental preparation as the stuff itself. Planning, gathering the items you’ll have with you for labor, helps you visualize the game plan. Nesting is definitely part of the process and I’m in full nesting mode over here.

There's no hard and fast rule, but during month seven or eight is a good time to start packing. Or you can wait until month nine… like me. I had a hospital bag packed much earlier with Georgia. This time around things are coming together in the last few weeks.

There will probably be some stuff you don’t use, but if you think it might be helpful or bring you some sense of comfort then I saw bring it “just in case”. With my oldest, I packed an oil diffuser and small speaker and neither were even taken out of the bag. It’s the thought that counts right?!

A small tip I would suggest, pack darker colored pj’s. I love lake pajamas just like the next gal but those first few days after having a baby can be quite messy.

Last time I had plenty of throw away underwear, nursing bras, socks, chargers and baby outfits. The hospital gives you so much stuff… think diapers, hats, ice packs that you might want to bring an empty bag to take home anything that will be useful.

A few things I’m adding to my bag this go around are a mini humidifier, stroller fan and my own towels. Also planning on bringing some snacks for the nurses and putting them in these cute cups from our shop.


Download the free printable HERE

My purpose behind this post is for you to be able to use it as a resource for when you’re packing your hospital bags! Save this post and use as a reference! If there is something you swear by that is not on this list, let me know in a comment below!



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