Big Sister + Big Brother

Happy Wedneday! The transition from being an only child to being a big brother or big sister can be hard. Though I am confident they will love their new sibling, I expect there to be lots of bumps along the way. While we can’t predict exactly how they will respond to such a big change, we can help prepare them for what’s to come, and help get them more comfortable with the idea of a tiny baby brother or sister around.

One of the things we are currently doing is ready books about becoming a big sister! Here are a few Georgia is really enjoying at the moment. Her favorite one out of them all is “I Am A Big Sister!” so if you are looking for a winner, I would start with that one! The Stork On The Stoop comes with the toy stork making reading that much more fun!


Some other ways we are getting Georgia ready and helping her stay excited is by getting her a Big Sister gifts! These are great for the first born, especially when baby is getting all the attention (baby shower, after baby is born). They are a good reminder that they are not forgotten. I rounded up some favorite big sister and big brother gifts that will leave a smile on their face and remind them that being a big isn’t so bad after all.


The S+L shop also has some great Big Brother and Big Sister paper goods that they will love!

If you have any tips on an only child becoming a big, comment below! I would love to hear it and I’m sure someone else would love to read it too to help their only child with the transition!


Valentine’s Day Gift Guides


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